Yoga is rooted in virtue. Ethical discipline is very necessary for success in Yoga. Ethical
discipline is the practice of right conduct in life. The two moral back-bones of Yoga are Yama and
Niyama, which the aspirant must practice in his daily life. These correspond roughly to the ten
commandments of Lord Jesus or to the noble eightfold path of Lord Buddha. Non-injuring
(Ahimsa), truthfulness (Satyam), non-stealing (Asteya), continence (Brahmacharya) and
non-covetousness (Aparigraha) are the component parts of Yama. Internal and external purification(Saucha), contentment (Santosha), austerity (Tapas), study of religious and philosophical books (Svadhyaya) and self-surrender to the Lord (Isvara-Pranidhana) come under Niyama. Practice of Yama and Niyama will eradicate all the impurities of the mind. In fact, Yama and Niyama form the corner-stones of Yoga philosophy. Pre-eminence is given to abstention from injuring any living creature (Ahimsa) amongst all other virtues. There must be non-injuring in thought, word and deed. Non-injuring is placed first because it is the source of the following nine. The practice of universal love or brotherhood isnothing but the practice of non-injuring. He who practices non-injuring will get quick success in Yoga. The practitioner must abandon even harsh words and unkind looks. He must show goodwill and friendliness to one and all. He must respect life. He must remember that one common Self dwells in the hearts of all beings.
Truthfulness (Satyam) comes next in order. Thought must agree with word, and word with
action. This is truthfulness. These virtues are attainable only by the unselfish. Truth can hardly arise unless there is pure motive behind all actions. The word of the Yogi must be a blessing to others.Then comes non-stealing (Asteya). You must be satisfied with what you get by honest
means. The Law of Karma is inexorable. You will have to suffer for every wrong action of yours.
Action and reaction are equal and opposite. Amassing wealth is really theft. The whole wealth of allthe three worlds belongs to the Lord. You are only a caretaker of his wealth. You must willingly share what you have with all and spend it in charity
Posted by Amrit Sen at 3:59 AM
I love Yoga, and i feel good when i practice it , every one should practice it .
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